Events - month view

March 2015
2015 Winter Grape Grower Conference

March 16, 2015
Fredonia, NY

Please join us for our annual Winter Grape Grower Conference. This is a great day to meet up with fellow growers to participate in talks & panel discussions and to enjoy great food and company! View full agenda by selecting details tab.
Wine Label Approval Workshop
March 26, 2015
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Seneca Falls, NY
Demaris Brown, labeling specialist with the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau will speak on the wine label approval process. Demaris has been with the Advertising, Labeling and Formulation Division (ALFD) of the TTB for nearly five years.
April 2015
Mechanical Pruning Demo
April 2, 2015
5:00 pm
Hector, NY
The Finger Lakes Grape Program will b holding a mechanical pruning demonstration with Hazlitt Vineyards Thursday, April 2nd.
CORE Training & Pesticide Applicator's License Exam

April 2, 2015
9:00am-12:00pm, 1:00-3:00pm
Portland, NY

The morning session will consist of a "CORE" training class that will run from 9:00am-Noon. This session is designed to be a review for the exam that follows in the afternoon. This session is not required to take the exam, but does qualify particpants for 3.0 DEC credits.
The exam held in the afternoon is conducted by the NYSDEC. You MUST register through them. All information pertaining to this exam is included on the PDF form titled Instructions for applying for the exam.Instructions for ordering manuals from The Cornell Store are also included. These forms are found by clicking "view details".
Pre-registration is required for both events.
Pre-registration is required for both events.
Worker Protection Standard Training

April 6, 2015
Jamestown, NY

Tim Weigle, NYS IPM Program will lead participants in an overview of the Worker Protection Standard by showing the Michigan State University video, Pesticide Handlers and the Worker Protection Standard. The video itself is 50 minutes, and will be accompanied by a question and answer session.
Dr. Markus Keller: Cold hardiness and cold damage in grapevines
April 7, 2015
4:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Geneva, NY

Dr. Markus Keller, professor of viticulture at Washington State University in Prosser, WA, will be discussing some of his work on understanding grapevine cold hardiness and preventing winter injury. Preregistration is requested.
Wine Workshop
April 9, 2015
Portland, NY

Join Denise Gardner, Enology Extension Associate, Penn State University, Chris Gerling, Enology Extension Associate, Cornell University, Anna Katharine Mansfield, Associate Professor of Enology, Cornell University for a full day of talks to identify, measure and mitigate potential risk areas and develop standard operating procedures in the winery.
May 2015
Tailgate Meeting May 5th

May 5, 2015
5:00 pm - 6:30 pm
Prattsburg, NY
Our annual series of tailgate meetings will be starting up again on Tuesday, May 5, with our first meeting taking place at Vine Country Farms (Roy and Gordon Taft) in Pulteney.
Coffee Pot Meeting

May 6, 2015
Irving, NY

Finger Lakes Spring Grape IPM Meeting

May 12, 2015
4:30 pm - 6:15 pm
Geneva, NY
Tuesday, May 12, 2015 from 4:30 - 6:15 PMRavines Wine Cellars, 400 Barracks Road, Geneva, NY 14456.
Coffee Pot Meeting

May 13, 2015
Westfield, NY

Tailgate Meeting May 19th

May 19, 2015
5:00 pm - 6:30 pm
Hector, NY
Our second tailgate meeting will take place at Wickham's Tango Oaks (Fred Wickham) in Hector.
Coffee Pot Meeting

May 20, 2015
Portland, NY

Coffee Pot Meeting

May 27, 2015
North East, PA

Coffee Pot Meeting

May 27, 2015
Ripley, NY

No Announcements at this time