Finger Lakes Grape Program Enrollment

Program Areas

  • Pest Management
  • Vineyard Nutrition
  • Crop Management
  • Market Development
  • Farm Business

Enrollment Benefits

  • Vineyard Consultations
  • Finger Lakes Vineyard Update
  • Semi-monthly Finger Lakes Vineyard Notes
  • Educational Meetings & Conferences
  • Discounted Conference Registration Fees

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Grape - Spring Content



ImpactsThe Finger Lakes Grape Program continues to make impacts on the growers and agri-business professionals of the grape industry of NY. In addition, the team has ongoing, farther reaching impacts on the consumers of NY grown grapes and the economy of the state.

2024 Quarter 1 Report

view complete impact (PDF; 831 KB)

2024 Quarter 2 Report

view complete impact (PDF; 1365 KB)

2024 Quarter 4 Report

view complete impact (PDF; 2383 KB)

2023 Year in Review

The Finger Lakes Grape Program was honored to continue its support of our farms and farmers by addressing important issues through our outreach and applied research work. We are appreciative of the county extension associations that support the FLGP, their boards and legislators, our colleagues on the Cornell campus and at Cornell AgriTech in Geneva, and most especially from the region's growers. We couldn't do this work without them.

view complete impact (PDF; 2045 KB)

2023 Quarter 4 Report

view complete impact (PDF; 923 KB)

2023 3rd Quarter Report

view complete impact (PDF; 2078 KB)

2023 2nd Quarter Report

view complete impact (PDF; 1987 KB)

2023 1st Quarter Report

view complete impact (PDF; 1178 KB)

FLGP 2022 Year in Review

The Finger Lakes Grape Program was honored to continue its support of our farms and farmers by addressing important issues through our outreach and applied research work. We are appreciative of the county extension associations that support the FLGP, their boards and legislators, our colleagues on the Cornell campus and at Cornell AgriTech in Geneva, and most especially from the region's growers. We couldn't do this work without them.

view complete impact (PDF; 1406 KB)

2022 1st Quarter Report

view complete impact (PDF; 1058 KB)

2022 2nd Quarter Report

view complete impact (PDF; 1679 KB)

2022 3rd Quarter Report

view complete impact (PDF; 2549 KB)

FLGP 2021 Year In Review

The Finger Lakes Grape Program was honored to continue its support of our farms and farmers by addressing important issues through our outreach and applied research work. We are appreciative of the county extension associations that support the FLGP, their boards and legislators, our colleagues on the Cornell campus and at Cornell AgriTech in Geneva, and most especially from the region's growers. We couldn't do this work without them.

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2021 3rd Quarter Report

view complete impact (PDF; 1154 KB)

2021 2nd Quarter Report

view complete impact (PDF; 1003 KB)

2021 1st Quarter Report

view complete impact (PDF; 943 KB)

FLGP 2020 Year in Review

In a year that often felt like too much to handle, New York's farmers and those who support them had to adapt how they worked together and communicated with each other in order to continue to produce a safe and healthy food supply in spite of the global pandemic.

In the case of the Finger Lakes Grape Program, we were fortunate to be allowed to continue much of our work, but with some adaptation of our own. We held grower meetings online to continue providing information. We still made farm visits, but with plenty of physical distancing or even without seeing the grower at all. We were able to continue our field trials looking for solutions to problems that impact productivity and fruit quality, which cost growers money. All of this occurred during an almost ideal growing season, which produced one of the best quality crops that many can remember, albeit a small one thanks to a couple of ill-timed frost events in the spring.

The Finger Lakes Grape Program was honored to continue its support of our farms and farmers by addressing important issues through our outreach and applied research work. We are appreciative of the county extension associations that support the FLGP, their boards and legislators, our colleagues on the Cornell campus and at Cornell AgriTech in Geneva, and most especially from the region's growers. We couldn't do this work without them.

view complete impact (PDF; 651 KB)

FLGP 2019 Year in Review

In 1969, Yates County Extension entered into an agreement with Cornell Cooperative Extension to create the Finger Lakes region's Grape Industry Program, later called the Finger Lakes Grape Program. Over the past 50 years, a lot has changed in the industry, but the mission of the Finger Lakes Grape Program has remained the same - providing the region's growers with research-based information that can help to improve the productivity, quality and sustainability of their farms.

This year's annual report provides just a glimpse into a few of the ways that we have been working to fulfill this mission over the past year, including our research on improving ways to manage bindweed and sour rot, two pest management issues that have been increasing in importance in recent years, and our annual B.E.V. NY conference, which continues to grow each year.

We greatly appreciate the support of the county extension associations that support the FLGP, their boards and legislators, our colleagues on the Cornell campus and at Cornell AgriTech in Geneva, and most especially from the region's growers. We couldn't do this work without them.

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2020 3rd Quarter Report

view complete impact (PDF; 3024 KB)

2020 2nd Quarter Report

view complete impact (PDF; 1911 KB)

2020 1st Quarter Report

view complete impact (PDF; 1610 KB)

2019 4th Quarter Report

view complete impact (PDF; 1860 KB)

2019 3rd Quarter Report

view complete impact (PDF; 1602 KB)

2019 Quarter 2 Report

view complete impact (PDF; 2454 KB)

2019 Quarter 1 Report

view complete impact (PDF; 2226 KB)

FLGP 2018 Year in Review

Looking back at the 2018 growing season, it's pretty safe to say that nobody in the Finger Lakes is sad to see it in the rear view mirror. Growers and winemakers alike had to rely on every trick up their sleeve to bring in quality fruit this year, and as our colleague Chris Gerling said, they all needed some extra sleeves.

The '2018 Year in Review' highlights just a few of the activities that kept us busy this year, but there were plenty of others beyond what's described here. Whether it was dealing with significant sour rot at harvest, or working with the Department of Ag & Markets after the first identification of spotted lanternfly in the Finger Lakes, or responding to any number of questions and concerns in the field this year, there was plenty to keep us on the move this year. And we're looking forward to more of the same next season!

view complete impact (PDF; 2180 KB)

2018 Quarter 3 Report

view complete impact (PDF; 2698 KB)

2018 Quarter 2 Report

view complete impact (PDF; 2426 KB)

2018 Quarter 1 Report

view complete impact (PDF; 1773 KB)

2017 FLGP Year in Review

The Finger Lakes Grape Program had another busy year in 2017. We continued our partnership with Finger Lakes Community College at our Teaching & Demonstration Vineyard, held 10 field meetings with growers during the season, ran field trials aimed at improving the quality and profitability of Finger Lakes grapes, and continued to run the NY Grape & Wine Classifieds system, which had more than 400 ads placed on it this year. A big shout out goes to our hard-working summer technician, John Kurtz, who ran the trapping network for this year's Invasive Pest monitoring project and helped out with a number of other field projects this year.

You can learn more about some of the work that we did last year in support of the grape growers in the Finger Lakes in this year's 'Year in Review'. Enjoy!

view complete impact (PDF; 2689 KB)

2016 Year in Review

The Finger Lakes Grape Program had another busy year in 2016. Between organizing another successful B.E.V. NY conference, hosting 10 Tailgate meetings around the region, conducting field trials and continuing our cooperative efforts with Finger Lakes Community College at our Teaching & Demonstration Vineyard, there was a lot going on. Fortunately, we had two great helpers this year in Donald Caldwell and Corrigan Herbert.

You can learn more about some of the work that we did last year in support of the grape growers in the Finger Lakes in this year's 'Year in Review'. Enjoy!

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2015 Year in Review

view complete impact (PDF; 2594 KB)

2014 Year in Review

view complete impact (PDF; 2611 KB)

2012 Harvest Issue Newsletter

This newsletter contains a summary of the year's growing season, along with other information about work done by the FLGP on behalf of the Finger Lakes industry.

view complete impact (PDF; 736 KB)

2011 Harvest Issue Newsletter

This newsletter contains a summary of the year's growing season, along with other information about work done by the FLGP on behalf of the Finger Lakes industry.

view complete impact (PDF; 1561 KB)

2010 Harvest Issue Newsletter

This newsletter contains a summary of the year's growing season, along with other information about work done by the FLGP on behalf of the Finger Lakes industry.

view complete impact (PDF; 4143 KB)

2009 Harvest Issue Newsletter

This newsletter contains a summary of the year's growing season, along with other information about work done by the FLGP on behalf of the Finger Lakes industry.

view complete impact (PDF; 6504 KB)

2008 Harvest Issue Newsletter

This newsletter contains a summary of the year's growing season, along with other information about work done by the FLGP on behalf of the Finger Lakes industry.

view complete impact (PDF; 4180 KB)

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