Business Management
2022 Finger Lakes Grape Program Price List
Brittany Griffin, Administrative Assistant
Finger Lakes Grape Program
2021 Finger Lakes Grape Price List
The FLGP's 2021 Grape Price List is now available. Please click through for more information.
2020 Finger Lakes Grape Price List
Brittany Griffin, Administrative Assistant
Finger Lakes Grape Program
Here is the 2019 listing of grape prices in the Finger Lakes as provided by some of the regions' wineries. We appreciate their willingness to share their price lists with us and with the industry.
Important! State Guidance for Farms to Prevent/Respond to COVID-19
New York state has released official guidance specific to farms addressing COVID-19 (Novel Coronavirus). Get more details about these documents by clicking on the link below.
2019 Finger Lakes Grape Price List
Brittany Griffin, Administrative Assistant
Finger Lakes Grape Program
Here is the 2019 listing of grape prices in the Finger Lakes as provided by some of the regions' wineries. We appreciate their willingness to share their price lists with us and with the industry.
Changes to Agricultural Worker Protection Standard
Changes made to the Agricultural Worker Protection Standard in 2015 are in effect starting January 2, 2017.
This page contains resources for understanding the new rules and links to materials that can be used in training workers and handlers.
2016 Finger Lakes Grape Price List
The 2016 Finger Lakes Grape Price List is available for download. We received prices from fourteen buyers, and we thank them for submitting their prices to us. Keep in mind that the average price listed for each category and variety is NOT a weighted average based on tons purchased, but merely the average of the stated prices.
Average prices that are lower than 2015 are shaded in red, prices that are flat (plus or minus 0.5%) are shaded in yellow, and those that are higher than last year are shaded in green.
If you have any questions about the Price List, please don't hesitate to contact our office.
Finger Lakes Grape Prices - 2015
The 2015 Finger Lakes Grape Price List is available for download below. We received prices from thirteen buyers, and we thank them for submitting their prices to us. Keep in mind that the average price listed for each category and variety is NOT a weighted average based on tons purchased, but merely the average of the stated prices.
Average prices that are lower than 2014 are shaded in red, prices that are flat (plus or minus 0.5%) are shaded in yellow, and those that are higher than last year are shaded in green.
If you have any questions about the Price List, please don't hesitate to contact our office.
Finger Lakes Grape Price List - 2014
The 2014 Finger Lakes Grape Price List is available for download below. We received prices from fifteen buyers, and we thank them for submitting their prices to us. Keep in mind that the average price listed for each category and variety is NOT a weighted average based on tons purchased, but merely the average of the stated prices.
Finger Lakes Grape Prices 2013
Hans Walter-Peterson, Team Leader, Viticulture Extension Specialist
Finger Lakes Grape Program
The FLGP's annual listing of grape prices from Finger Lakes wineries and processors is available. This year, we received prices from seventeen buyers, and we thank them for submitting their prices to us. Keep in mind that the average price listed for each category and variety is NOT a weighted average based on tons purchased, but merely the average of the stated prices. Average prices that are lower than 2012 are indicated in red, prices that are flat or higher than 2012 are shown in green.
Finger Lakes Grape Prices - 2012
Grape prices in the Finger Lakes were more encouraging in 2012 than they have been for the past several years. After a consistent pattern of flat or falling prices for most varieties since 2008, average prices for almost all varieties either held steady or increased compared to 2011.
Finger Lakes Grape Prices - 2011
Grape prices in the Finger Lakes in 2011 continued a frustrating pattern for growers, with prices for the majority of the varieties reported remaining flat or pushing downward. While it is possible that this was partially in response to anticipation of a larger than normal crop, the trend seems puzzling especially when you consider that the "word on the street" as we approached harvest was that some buyers were having difficulty finding enough fruit for certain varieties.
Vineyard Establishment: Cost Through Trellis Construction
Kevin Martin, Extension Educator, Business Management
Lake Erie Regional Grape Program
This year marks, for the first time in nearly a decade, the possibility of substantial concord plantings in the Lake Erie region. While acreage of concord has been remarkably stable over the past thirty years, that stability requires a certain amount of new plantings as a small percentage of acreage continually falls out of production and is either abandoned, repurposed or developed.
In recent years there has been an increase in the quantity demand for Concord grape. While this is certainly part of a market cycle and prices will inevitably fall and rise again, it represents a period when some growers have the capital and interest in expanding their holdings.
Fuel Prices and Inflation
Kevin Martin, Extension Educator, Business Management
Lake Erie Regional Grape Program
Fuel represents a significant cost for everyone, farmers included. We have a number of generations that experienced an economy where the cost of energy could not be a consideration. It was just plain cheap. Bulk juice and wine producers spend significantly more on fuel now. The perception is that fuel costs drive up the costs of other goods, cause inflation and decrease competitiveness. I would argue that everyone has to deal with fuel prices, it decreases the supply of available money, and only impacts the costs of goods directly related to energy.
How Wine Production in the Finger Lakes Impacts the Lake Erie Region
Kevin Martin, Extension Educator, Business Management
Lake Erie Regional Grape Program
The wine grape market remains more nuanced than good for growers bad for wineries or vise versa. The balance of wine grape demand and supply remains variety specific. In the last two years local wineries and buyers have worked through the oversupply of varieties much faster than anticipated. Looking at all available information, there are only a few specific examples of demand outweighing supply in any significant way. Currently the outlook for native varieties looks positive. With such strong demand for Concord, other options have held up well considering Constellation's recent exit from the Catawba market.
USDA Rural Development for Businesses and Cooperatives
Edith Byrne, Association Program Educator I
Lake Erie Regional Grape Program
Business Programs
Through its Business Programs, USDA Rural Development provides for business credit needs in under-served rural areas, often in partnership with private-sector lenders.
Please visit their website for more up to date information:
Wage Theft Prevention Act
Kevin Martin, Extension Educator, Business Management
Lake Erie Regional Grape Program
New York State recently passed the Wage Theft Prevention Act. This law is similar to new requirements in Massachusetts, and Illinois. In the past record keeping requirements were similar to Pennsylvania. Employers have to document standard payroll data such as hourly rate, hours worked, and ensure piece rate employees were making at least minimum wage.
Succession Planning: Nearly Free Business Organizations
Corporations, LLC, S-Corps and other business organizations have their place. In the excitement of limiting liability and developing into a sophisticated operation many growers look to these organizations. For some growers these organizations are absolutely essential and a bargain value. For small growers the tools offered are not always appropriate and the costs are disproportionate. Sole proprietorships and partnerships offer no liability protection, no flexibility in tax structure and other similar limitations. However, these organizations lower costs for insurance, filing fees, accounting services, and legal fees.
Crop Insurance
Kevin Martin, Extension Educator, Business Management
Lake Erie Regional Grape Program
Participation in crop insurance is an essential element of risk management for bulk production. Growers with significant leverage, or debt, are often required to purchase crop insurance. In addition to debt, practices, site and market can all impact importance of crop insurance to an individual grower.