Event Details
May 22, 2014
4:00 - 6:00 PM
Standing Stone Vineyards
9934 Route 414
Hector, NY 14841
Members No Charge - Free
$10.00 Non-Members Registration Fee
If you are not a member of FLGP please contact our office to register for this event.
Finger Lakes Grape Program
Pre-Registration Deadline: May 21, 2014
2014 Finger Lakes Grape Spring IPM Meeting
May 22, 2014
Our annual Finger Lakes Spring Grape IPM meeting will be held this year on Thursday, May 22, 2014 from 4:00 - 6:00 pm at Standing Stone Vineyards, 9934 Route 414, Hector, NY 14841.The meeting will consists of about 2 hours of program and demonstrations primarily by researchers and extension staff from Cornell, followed by an informal BBQ dinner.
This meeting is intended to give growers quick but thorough updates on important pest management issues including new materials, new sprayer technology and application techniques, important updates on relevant research projects and more.
We need everyone to preregister for the meeting so that we can know how much food we will need for dinner. Please contact Karen Gavette at our office at 315-536-5134 or email Karen or for your convenience register on-line.
There is no cost for the meeting for those enrolled in the FLGP, but there is a $10/person fee for those who are not enrolled in the program. 1.5 pesticide recertification credits will be available for the meeting. If you want to receive credits, don't forget to bring your pesticide applicator ID card with you to the meeting. All certificates will be handed out at the close of the meeting.
2014 FLGP Spring IPM Meeting (PDF; 297KB)