Event Details
April 27, 2016
9:00 AM - 3:15 PM
Jordan Hall - NYS Ag Experiment Station
630 W North Street
Geneva, NY 14456
$20.00 FLGP enrollee
$35.00 if not enrolled in FLGP
At the Door
Same-day registration will be limited to a small number of people
Finger Lakes Grape ProgramEVENT HAS PASSED
Effective Vineyard Spraying
April 27, 2016
Dr. Andrew Landers will present a full day course on 'Effective Vineyard Spraying' on Wednesday, April 27 in at the New York State Agricultural Experiment Station in Geneva, beginning at 9:00 AM.
By the end of this course, growers will understand how to improve their timeliness and therefore apply sprays when needed and not be forever chasing the calendar. Correct application at the correct time will allow growers to make better use of their spray over the season.
This in-depth training course on better spray application techniques will:
- improve your knowledge of spraying techniques leading to better deposition and less drift
- improve your timeliness of application resulting in better disease and insect control
- reduce off-target drift keeping you within the law
- show you how to modernize your existing sprayer
- inform you of new developments in sprayer design keeping you up-to-date
- help you potentially reduce pesticide use thus improving your profitability.
Registration cost is $20 for those enrolled in the FLGP, and $35 for those not enrolled in the program, and includes lunch and all breaks. Please contact Brittany Griffin (bg393@cornell.edu or 315-536-5134) if you need to check on your enrollment status for 2016. Registration cost at the door will be $50 regardless of enrollment status, and the number of same-day registrations will be limited.
This course has been approved for 5.5 pesticide recertification credits.
Course Timetable (PDF; 37KB)