Event Details
June 10, 2020
Virtual LERGP Coffee Pot Meeting
June 10, 2020We are excited to offer Virtual Coffee Pot Meeting for NY and PA Pesticide Recertification Credits.
The NYS Department of Environmental Conservation and the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture approved our Coffee Pot Meeting virtually (online) and, with some modifications. We have been approved to offer one NY and one PA credit for each Coffee Pot Meeting. That is 13 opportunities to receive pesticide recertification credits in 2020!
We will discuss timely viticulture, business management, and integrated pest management. We are also setting up special guest speakers in viticulture and enology from all over the country since traveling isn't an issue with the virtual platforms. We are excited to be able to continue to offer recertification credits for our growers and sad that it will not be in person or with coffee and doughnuts.