Events - month view

February 2016
2016 Enhancement Grant Application Information Meeting
February 10, 2016
Portland, NY
Kevin Martin will be answering general questions and offering guidance to the procedure of applying for this grant.
RFA and Application will be available at this meeting.
RFA and Application will be available at this meeting.
March 2016
B.E.V. NY Sponsorship Opportunties
March 3 - March 5, 2016
7:00 am - 5:00 pm
Henrietta, NY

B.E.V. NY 2016

March 3 - March 5, 2016
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Rochester, NY

Business. Enology. Viticulture. B.E.V. NY.
Register now for B.E.V. NY, Cornell's annual conference for New York's grape and wine industry, combining the resources of Cornell's Extension Enology Lab, the Finger Lakes Grape Program, and the Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management.
Visit for registration, program and hotel information.
March Pruning Workshop
March 11, 2016
1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Penn Yan, NY

Learn how to prune grapevines with Cornell Cooperative Extension! This hands-on class will get you sharpening your skills out in the Finger Lakes Teaching and Demonstration Vineyard, so dress warmly, bring your shears, and be ready to put your new pruning prowess into practice.
2016 LERGP Annual Winter Grower Conference

March 22, 2016
Fredonia, NY

Come join us for a great day of learning and camaraderie with your fellow growers. More information will follow as it develops.
NCPN Webinar Series: Crown gall biology and management; Value of virus-tested plant material
March 24, 2016
12:00 - 1:15 PM

Recent research on crown gall has changed how we think about management and the prospects of crown gall elimination. Economic impact studies on Leafroll, crown gall, and Red blotch have enabled us to estimate the value of planting certified, virus-tested vines.
Preregister by noon on Wednesday, March 23 by going to
Preregister by noon on Wednesday, March 23 by going to
NCPN Webinar Series: New York's revitalized grapevine certification program
March 31, 2016
12:00 - 1:15 PM

New York’s Department of Agriculture and Markets is rolling out a state-of-the-art nursery certification program, and New York’s nurseries are investing in new plantings and practices.
Preregister by noon on Wednesday, March 30 by going to
Preregister by noon on Wednesday, March 30 by going to
April 2016
Core Pesticide Training Program

April 5, 2016
Portland, NY

“CORE” Pesticide Training and Pesticide Applicators License Exam April 5, 2016 Cornell Lake Erie Research and Extension Laboratory (CLEREL) 6592 West Main Road Portland, NY 14769
Space is limited ---Pre-registration is required for both sessions
WHEN: 9 AM to 12:15 PM
WHERE: CLEREL Meeting room
COST: $15
3.0 Pesticide recertification credits in the CORE category have been applied for. The CORE training session is also designed as a review prior to taking the Commercial or Private Pesticide Applicator exam but is not required prior to taking the exam. Preregistration for the training using the enclosed course registration form is required by March 28, 2016. You must Register for the test through the DEC, see attached.
Space is limited ---Pre-registration is required for both sessions
WHEN: 9 AM to 12:15 PM
WHERE: CLEREL Meeting room
COST: $15
3.0 Pesticide recertification credits in the CORE category have been applied for. The CORE training session is also designed as a review prior to taking the Commercial or Private Pesticide Applicator exam but is not required prior to taking the exam. Preregistration for the training using the enclosed course registration form is required by March 28, 2016. You must Register for the test through the DEC, see attached.
Northern Grapes Project Results: Fungicide Sensitivity & Vine Nutrition of Cold-Hardy Cultivars
April 12, 2016
12:00 PM and 7:00 PM

Patricia McManus of the University of Wisconsin-Madison and Carl Rosen of the University of Minnesota will discuss results of their Northern Grapes Project research. Patty’s presentation will summarize four years of field trials that focused on determining the sensitivity of popular cold-hardy cultivars to fungicides, including copper, sulfur, and difenoconazole. Carl’s presentation will summarize three years of research on tissue analysis of cold hardy grapes grown in 16 locations spanning five states. Nutrient diagnostic criteria will be presented for petiole, blade, and whole leaves collected at bloom and veraison and relationships between soil properties/tissue nutrient concentrations and grape juice quality will be discussed.
Winery Control Workshop-Stabilize Your Wine- Filtration, SO2 and Potassium Sorbate
April 13, 2016
Portland, NY
Come join us for an informative day covering the following topics:
Sulfur dioxidepH and SO2 relationship, the breakdown of SO2 (molecular, bisulfite… etc.), and how to add SO2 to wine.
Potassium sorbate
What is potassium sorbate? why is it used in wine? and the pros/cons of sorbate.
Explanation of filtration and its uses, the difference between nominal and absolute, how to ensure your filtration unit is working, and bottle sterility tests.
Tailgate Meeting

April 26, 2016
4:30 pm - 6:00 pm
Bluff Point, NY

Our first tailgate meeting of 2016 will take place at Folts Farm (hosted by Mike Folts) in Bluff Point.
Effective Vineyard Spraying

April 27, 2016
9:00 AM - 3:15 PM
Geneva, NY

Dr. Andrew Landers will present this day-long course on the design and proper use of sprayers and associated equipment. Topics will include sprayer design, selection of nozzles and droplet size for different jobs, sprayer calibration, sprayer airflow characteristics, effective sprayer management, and precision spraying. We anticipate that pesticide recertification credits will be available.
Registration link:
Registration link:
Webinar: Setting the Stage - Developing Outreach and Adoption strategies
April 28, 2016
11:00 AM
Join extension staff and researchers from Cornell University, Carnegie Mellon and University of California Davis for this webinar, the first in a series of Showcase webinars for the NIFA SCRI project “Precision Vineyard Management: Collecting and Interpreting Spatial Data for Variable Vineyard Management to Improve Production Efficiency and Product Quality”.
No Announcements at this time